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新聞稿 Press Release
The Arrangement on Programme “LegCo Review”

In order to strengthen editorial management, Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) introduced a new editorial management mechanism in March this year.  An editorial committee comprising the Director of Broadcasting and senior management of RTHK has taken up the editorial responsibility to review contentious programmes before their production or broadcast.

The editorial committee has decided earlier on that the content of “LegCo Review” should be related to current LegCo business, and approval from the editorial committee should be sought before broadcast.

In the episode on May 21, a clip of June 4 long-distance run was added to the latter part of “LegCo Review”.  Since the content is not relevant to the topic of the said episode or any issues currently discussed in LegCo, and the production team did not seek approval from the editorial committee beforehand, RTHK has decided to delete the concerned clip from the programme archive and online version.

RTHK will conduct investigation on the aforementioned incident of “LegCo Review” which was suspected to have violated existing editorial management mechanism.  In the meantime, the production of “LegCo Review” will be outsourced.  The editorial committee will continue to take up the editorial responsibility to ensure the content of “LegCo Review” complies with its purpose and the editorial committee’s decision.  RTHK is committed to ensure that its programmes are in compliance with the Charter of RTHK and the Producers' Guidelines.

RTHK emphasizes that it is permissible to broadcast the content of June 4 or specific political issues in its programmes.  In fact, June 4 long-distance run was covered in a recent RTHK news report.  The editorial committee decided to delete the concerned clip of “LegCo Review” because the production team had not sought the approval of the editorial committee beforehand in accordance with the existing editorial management mechanism.